For Commuting by Bike

A ride to and from work can be strictly transportation. Is there a way to transform this time into something special which prepares me for the challenges and experiences of my work ahead?

For Those Stuck in Traffic

Bikes versus cars - does it have to be this way? What is it about the sense of superiority or animosity that can be felt between these two mutual road users? And is there anything we can do about it?

Intentions: Money

Is there a way to be financially wise among a culture as materialistic and consumeristic as the bike industry or the billion-dollar fitness industry?

Intentions: Time

What does it mean to buck the idea of being a "time-crunched" cyclist and to engage abundance instead? Even within the reality of all of life's responsibilities?

Intentions: Body

How can cyclists think differently about their bodies within a culture that is obsessed with watts per kilo, body image, food as fuel, and bodies as a less-than-deal machine?