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Intentions: Body

How can cyclists think differently about their bodies within a culture that is obsessed with watts per kilo, body image, food as fuel, and bodies as a less-than-deal machine?

Intentions: Community

How can cycling act as a catalyst to grow our bonds to one another and encourage connection across disciplines, skill levels, and demographics?

Intentions: Competition

For those of us who compete. How do Christian athletes engage in competition and to what end? Can competition build us up in our faith and spirituality and in what ways should we be on our guard?


The things we do shape who we become, especially the small habits we engage with regularly. Riding a bike and being a part of cycling culture is no different - it can be a catalyst of transformation for us for good or un-good.

Liturgy for a Bike Ride

Liturgy for a Bike Ride

How can cycling be a unique spiritual discipline? Why don't you ask God to show you!

Intentions: Money

Is there a way to be financially wise among a culture as materialistic and consumeristic as the bike industry or the billion-dollar fitness industry?

Intentions: Time

What does it mean to buck the idea of being a "time-crunched" cyclist and to engage abundance instead? Even within the reality of all of life's responsibilities?